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WBTF Virtual Nations Cup 2022 Artistic Twirl Results
WBTF Virtual Nations Cup 2022 2 Baton Results
WBTF Virtual Nations Cup 2022 3 Baton Results

Message from Nicky O’Neill – 27th March 2020

Message from Nicky O’Neill – 18th March 2020
As many of you will have already seen via my live broadcast on Facebook last night, regrettably we have taken the decision to postpone our National Championships due to the uncertain times we are experiencing with the Coronavirus and the impact it is having on us all.
This is not a decision that myself or the Board have taken lightly but we believe that it is the right and only decision we can make in line with Government guidelines.
Please speak with your hotels and try and reschedule your booking as, depending on the current situation, we are planning to reschedule for the 26th/27th September. As soon as we know more we will of course advise you.
With regard to Pre-ordered tickets that have been paid for, you will be contacted in the next few days as to whether you require a full refund or would like to carry these over to the rescheduled date.
With regard to the British Open, again we are unsure if this will go ahead however at this time we have not rescheduled but we have adjusted the closing date to be the 20th April. Again we will advise you on this as soon as we are able.
World Baton Twirling Day is on Friday 10th April – watch out on Social Media for routine and lets make this year’s WBTD the BIGGEST virtual twirling event ever seen.
Staying positive is key, your Club Leaders and Coaches will be keeping in touch with you and we are hoping to get some training sessions and ideas out to you on Social Media to help keep you strong and fit over the coming weeks. Keep stretching and working hard and ensuring you remain fit and healthy.
I am so sad that I will not be seeing you in a couple of weeks at Nationals but I look forward to seeing you, my twirling friends, as soon as we are able.
Take care

We are excited to announce that this weekend Nicky O’Neill was voted by her colleagues from around the World to be the new Vice-President of the World Baton Twirling Federation. This is a real honour for Nicky and a role we all know she will carry out with enthusiasm and passion for the good of baton twirling. Congratulations Nicky from everyone within the BBTSA and all UK Twirling Associations