Message From Our Chairperson
Nicky O'Neill

I would like to Welcome you to the BBTSA and the sport of Baton Twirling, a diverse sport combining dance, gymnastics and twirling skills.
Why choose Baton Twirling?
Twirling is a great activity for young people. It helps to fine tune motor skills,
It gives them great ambidexterity, produces amazing hand-eye coordination,
and the opportunity to form wonderful friendships from around the UK and beyond.
As athletes they develop grace, strength and flexibility.
Twirling develops teamwork and teaches sportsmanship.
Athletes learn how to perform with confidence.
The sport promotes self confidence through positive role models and achievable goals.
The sport welcomes all ages and abilities.
Our association offers a wealth of development and growth opportunities through our seminars,
competitions and grading syllabus.
These are the skills every young person needs throughout their lives from
school through to university to the work place.
Come and join our family, it creates the memories to last a lifetime.
Nicky O'neill
Chair of the BBTSA